
First things first.  We now officially have water!!! Yeah!!!  Only 3 months but better than 4, right?  In short it went like this.  As usual, I went to the water office on Monday but this time I tried a new tactic.  The whole thing is really an exercise in patience and an opportunity to learn more about the culture.  I admit it had been painful but then again most higher education tends to be that way.  After our short exchange of pleasantries I said that I was new to Zambia and was not quite sure how to express my displeasure properly.  I said, “Back in the states, which I understand that Zambia and the states are very different, if I went 3 days w/o water that would be unacceptable.  Maybe 3 months w/o water was acceptable here in Zambia and if so could you please let me know.”  At that he said that 3 months was not acceptable.  He made a few calls and I was out the door with some workers to do some investigating American style.  That was at 0900 and by 1330 we had and still have water whenever we want it.  I can’t tell you what a joy it is to turn the water on whenever we want.  Thank you for your prayers concerning our water.  Prayer answered.

                Last week was my birthday and what a great week it was.  I am now 40 but sure don’t feel like it.  On Thursday night we had some of our mission family over and celebrated with dinner and presents.  Then Friday night we had some neighbors over and had dinner and played some games.  Then Saturday I woke up and found our truck and been tampered with during the night and was missing a piece on the hub.  It was operable enough to drive to Lusaka and get it fixed.  While I was there I picked up a package from South Side Baptist church, so that evening I opened up lots of birthday cards and partook of many of the goodies they packed.  Then, later that night Rusty and Amanda called me.  So I felt like I had a birthday party with my friends from South Side.  Then Sunday night my parents called.  I tell you, it was a great b-day. 

                Wednesday Lesley and I awoke at 0450, got dressed and headed to Lusaka.  We picked up some of the mission staff and caught a plane to Luangwa.  Our reason for going was to secure a possible house for us to live in while we are in Luangwa.  I will have to say, that was much better than driving the 5 or so hour journey.  We made it in an hour.  The house is not where we had hoped and until Wednesday, all we had were some photos taken via a cheap cell phone.  With very few expectations we arrived in Luangwa around 0845.  We spent about 3 ½ hours there taking measurements and looking over the place.  I am here to tell you that we so like the place.  There are no tress (not technically true, but what are there would not pass as a tree and never would with 20 more years of growth) and no grass.  The yard is a big sand box.  Tyler should love it.  It does have a big yard and that was important to us so that Tyler would have a place to play.  By the time we left, Lesley and I really liked the place.  It will be a while before we get there but it sure is nice to know that there is a place there for us.  It takes a little stress off the top. 

                Starting tomorrow, Thursday, we will be partaking in a program for all Sub Saharan African missionaries called 40/40.  It is designed to teach us about this part of the world culturally.  We will have an opportunity to do some witnessing in the city as well as in the bush.  We will have an opportunity to do a 3 day home stay with some folks from the village.  We will work with them and do what they do for 3 days.  Sounds pretty kool.  So this will be our last blog until we return on the 20th of November.  We thank you for your prayers and covet them dearly.  Please pray for our health during this period as we will have Tyler with us the entire time as well.  We look forward to getting back so we can catch back up with everyone.  Until then, go tell someone about Jesus.

12 thoughts on “40/40

  1. I’ll miss reading up on all that God is doing in your lives but will keep updated through moms’ phone calls. I’m SO glad about your water, upcoming home and that you had such a good birthday! Love and God bless, Debi

  2. Our youth missions group at FBC, Tulsa (called T.A.G.) would love to highlight you and your family for a whole month at our meetings. We would pray for you for that month and collect any items you might need.

    Is there any particular month that you would be interested in?

    God bless you and your work.

  3. Hi guys,this is Carl,your bus driver from Greenville when you went from the Hyatt to Taylors first. We’ve been thinking about you and praying for God to bless you and your family. I’m not sure if you remember me but it doesn’t matter
    just know we will continue to lift you up in our prayer.

  4. Glad to hear things are progressing nicely. Praise God. Water, water, anytime…good thinking Kenny. We’re excited you had such a good birthday. Hope you had a productive time at 40/40. So what is the house in Luangwa like? Do you have a wall around it? Is Tyler walking yet? Hug to my niece and great nephew. Love and Kisses, Aunt Lainie

  5. I’m glad you had a good Birthday Kenny. I’m curious to here what, if any, significance is placed on Halloween over there.

  6. Since tomorrow is Nov 10, I just wanted to say “HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARINE!!!”
    Semper fi and Ooooh Rah. We think of you guys often. God Bless you in your work…Jerry & Sharon

  7. I can’t believe you can get internet in the middle of nowhere but not running water. Glad to know you all made it to Zambia and are settling in. We just got back to Asia and are getting adjusted to our new city of 10 million. But running water comes standard in our 10th floor apartment. Peace and Quiet are a little harder to find.

  8. Kenny,
    Glad you are home. Just wanted to check in with you and see if you received our package? When you get a chance, please let us know. Had Thanksgiving with the entire “Frick” bunch yesterday – it was great. Everyone wishes you the best. Take care and write soon.
    Susan Payne

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